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Manipulation and Conversion (175 Downloads) Notepad Replacements (36 Downloads) Search and Replace (52 Downloads) PS Text Formatter 1.0 Text Formatter is a small tool that was meant as an aid to justify simple ASCII text ...TextMorph 2.1 TextMorph software was designed to be a powerful ASCII text formatter. TextMorph software was designed to be a powerful ASCII text formatter. It is also a text editor, similar to Notepad. There are lots of text editing programs around, but TextM...TextOR 1.0 TextOR is a very small, and simple tool that was designed to help you change normal text into TcHe ...RMOEdit 1.0 RMOEdit text editor can handle files up to 2 gb My text editor program, it's not finished yet. However it is perfectly functional and better than Notepad! (IMHO, of course...) The command line doesn't fully work yet, but everything else ...mFilter 1.0.19 mFilter is a little tool that was designed to help you replace characters in a file with other characters of your choosing ...Strip_logs 1.0 Strip_logs is a little tool that can open a text log file and remove or keep lines containing one of the strings the user inputs ...Email WebLink Extractor 1.4.2 Ectract your favourite WebLinks and Emails from lot of data by Easiest way. Email WebLink Extractor is a software application that will help you extract your favourite WebLinks and Emails from lot of data by Easiest way...W'right Pad 1.81 W'right Pad was designed to be an application that can be used as a replacement for MS Notepad ...Easymacs 2.0 Easymacs is an easy-to-learn, one-size-fits-all configuration for new users of GNU Emacs Emacs is an enormously powerful, flexible and configurable text editor. In addition to being a well-known tool for computer programmers, it is also an unsur...Book Form 1.0 Book Form - change a text print format to a book print format Book Form is a simple tool that will take a file of text and reformats a version of it in such a way that the pages printed can be put together as a book after being printed out from ...FTEditor 1.0.1 FTEditor is an editor for Fielded Text files FTEditor is an editor for Fielded Text files. FTEditor will enable you to visually and interactively edit or create the Meta for a Fielded Text file. It also lets you edit a Fielded Text file with a s...TextFile Workshop 1.0 TextFile Workshop - text file editor TextFile Workshop is a free and simple application that works with text files....SDAssistant 1.0 SDAssistant - A specialized text editor to assist doctors SDAssistant is a specialized text editor - the assistant of a doctor when writing the medical documentation. The software program is adapted for fast input a plenty of the repeating infor...Nevrocode Docs 1.0.0 Nevrocode Docs is an online word processor Nevrocode Docs is an online word processor. Create and share your documents with other people...ActiveText 2.1 ActiveText is a simple texteditor, very similar to the well-known notepad. ...MvTools MvTools - a custom text editor and working environment. MvTools is a freeware custom text editor and working environment designed by Miva developers for Miva developers....Trashpad 0.1 Trashpad - Write down your thoughts Sometimes you want to write something down just to get it out of your head, but you don't want any record of it anywhere....Dynamic Log Viewer 1.0.3 Dynamic Log Viewer software can be used to view dynamicaly updated log files ...Newline Remover 1.0 Newline Remover is a small application that was created with the remove newlines from certain text files. Newline Remover is a small application that was created with the goal to remove newlines from certain text files...Text Formatter 2.282 Text Formatter is a program to remove the empty lines in big text files or to remove comment indentions (TAB). ...SkinPad 1.0 SkinPad is a simple text editor with the ability to change its skin. ...Notepad.Pro 1.0 Notepad.Pro is a new text editor application that will make your life a lot easier Notepad.Pro is a new text editor application that will make your life a lot easier. This software will help you edit your files without any problems....WordList 1.0 WordList is a simple software that was designed to create a word list from a text file WordList is a simple software that was designed to create a word list from a text file. Create wordlist from text file....FCKeditor 2.4.2 FCKeditor is a WYSIWYG editor THAT brings to the web much of the power of desktop editors like MS Word ...FSX Aircraft.CFG Editor 1.0 FSX Aircraft.CFG Editor application was designed to be a simple, no-frills editor for direct editing of Aircraft.CFG files ... |
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